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[ Artist ]


[ Description ]

This composition was created by Alessandroilove, one of the contestants of the GIL Soundtrack Awards.

The 4th edition of the competition that awards the best soundtrack for a short film. In collaboration with ESCAC “Lo que siembras”

[ Year ]

03 /2023

Beatport 05.png
Apple Music 002.png
Spotify 003.png
Deezer 001.png
Youtube Music 001.png


Viñas Familia Gil

Viñas Familia Gil is a century-old winery group (1916-2016) that has its own vineyards and wineries in 10 Spanish Denominations of Origin and a commercial presence in more than 40 countries.

In 2016, on the occasion of its centenary, the first edition of the
Gil Soundtrack Award was launched, a biennial initiative that was born with a vocation to support and promote culture.

A project that is also a way of giving back to society what we have received over all these years by promoting opportunities for young talent to continue advancing.

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